all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 4AA 2 2 51.339213 0.734348
ME10 4NR 2 2 51.339315 0.733509
ME10 4AE 1 1 51.339756 0.735744
ME10 4AH 1 1 51.338997 0.73511
ME10 4AJ 13 11 51.340072 0.73493
ME10 4AL 1 1 51.340157 0.734375
ME10 4AP 1 1 51.339439 0.73854
ME10 4AQ 8 7 51.34021 0.733734
ME10 4AU 1 1 51.339886 0.735939
ME10 4AW 41 21 51.339584 0.737804
ME10 4AY 24 7 51.33926 0.739723
ME10 4BA 1 1 51.339214 0.734379
ME10 4BD 1 1 51.340207 0.733447
ME10 4BG 1 0 51.339159 0.741653
ME10 4BJ 22 9 51.3395 0.736779
ME10 4BL 12 5 51.338614 0.74455
ME10 4BP 1 1 51.339023 0.736677
ME10 4BQ 39 2 51.33897 0.742791
ME10 4BT 18 0 51.338279 0.746942
ME10 4BX 7 7 51.339656 0.735767